Patrick Eady
Patrick Eady is a stand-up comedian from Houston, Texas who works the crowd harder than he works his biceps. With baby blue eyes that shine like freedom, and a mustache that never skips leg day, he’s got jokes that will put hair on your chest and love in your heart. Patrick has the GRIT & wit required to open for the likes of Rich Vos, Valarie Tosi, Craig Connant, David Gborie, and Stavros Halkias. Patrick performs all over Texas and runs 4 shows in Houston: Bad Idea & The Late Night Dirty Show at The Secret Group, Off The Dome, and American AF with The Riot Comedy Show. He has also appeared on Skankfest South, The first ever Riot Comedy Festival, and the Come and Take It Comedy Festival. Not only is he tougher than a $2 dollar steak while looking like filet mignon he is also a regular on The Fox 26 show The Nightcap and has a podcast called The SetUp which is featured on IFMD TV. Some may say he’s a champion, but he’s just getting started. Join the war on boredom by following him on Tik Tok and Instagram at Coorslitepapi713 and his Facebook which is Patrick Eady. You can’t be the first to watch him live, but you can be next.